TOP 20 Arch Linux distributions 2023

TOP 20 most visited Linux distributions based on Arch Linux in 2023 on the portal

The following list of the most popular Linux distributions based on Arch Linux in 2023 is illustrative and is based on page views of users. Distribution, download, installation guides and comments pages were taken into account in the ranking.

Arch Linux was created in 2002 by Judd Vinet, and was based on the CRUX distribution.
There are no graphical configurators in the system, but it does not interfere with its free management.

1. Manjaro Linux
manjaro linux

Manjaro Linux is a live distribution built on Arch Linux and aimed at PC users. Manjaro Linux is offered in versions with desktops: Xfce, KDE and GNOME.

2. Cachy OS
cachy os

CachyOS is a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux with advanced optimizations and multiple architectures for the ultimate desktop experience. CachyOS has support for the file system: btrfs, zfs, ext4, xfs, f2fs.

3. ArchBang

ArchBang is a live distribution built on top of Arch Linux. The system uses the lightweight Openbox window manager and is a rolling release just like its predecessor. This means that it does not require reinstalling to a newer version – just perform regular updates of all packages.

4. StormOS

StormOS is a beginner-friendly distribution based on Arch Linux, created by Ben Fitzpatrick, silent robot, seeker, rayzer1981, yugiohmaster88, eznix, TJ wolf and guinn alverson jr.

5. BlueStar Linux

BlueStar Linux is a Linux distribution built on Arch Linux packages. BlueStar Linux is available for 32 and 64 bit machines. The developer provides standard iso images and separate ones for machines equipped with integrated GMA3600 (Intel Graphics Media Accelerator) systems. The default desktop is KDE.

6. ArcoLinux

ArcoLinux (formerly: ArchMerge) is a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. ArcoLinux was created to allow you to learn/develop your Linux skills. The live system is equipped with 3 desktops: Openbox, i3 and Xfce, as well as a wide range of applications from various categories.

7. Salient OS

Salient OS is an Arch Linux-based distribution for multimedia and game enthusiasts, developed in a continuous development model. The system is configured with various applications to help the user quickly start using Salient OS without having to download additional applications themselves.

8. Arch Linux
arch linux

Arch Linux was created in 2002 by Judd Vinet based on the CRUX distribution. There are no graphical configurators in the system, but it does not interfere with its free management. It uses “tar.xz” packages maintained by the Pacman package manager. It is also possible to install source packages using ABS (Arch Linux Build System).

9. Mabox Linux
mabox linux

Mabox Linux is a Linux distribution based on Manjaro. Inspired by Crunchbang/Bunsenlabs, it uses the lightweight and fast Openbox window manager. Openbox in Mabox is fully configured and ready for immediate use.

10. Garuda Linux
garuda linux

Garuda Linux is a rolling distribution based on Arch Linux. Unlike Arch Linux, Garuda Linux comes with a graphical installer (Calamares) for easy installation and other graphical system management tools.

11. Artix Linux
artix linux

Artix is a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. The main difference between Arch Linux and its remixes and Artix is the removal of systemd and its replacement by OpenRC.

12. Calam Arch Installer
calam arch installer

Calam Arch Installer for Linux distribution based on and fully compatible with Arch Linux. Calam Arch Installer provides Arch Linux as a live iso with a Calamares installer that allows you to install Arch Linux on your computer’s hard drive.

13. ChimeraOS

ChimeraOS is a Linux-based operating system for PCs, designed with the game console in mind. ChimeraOS runs Steam Big Picture mode so you can play most of the games stored in your Steam library, but it also allows you to install and play many non-Steam games via the built-in Chimera web app.

14. Athena OS

Athena OS is a project aimed at building a new concept of an operating system for penetration testing. The name of the project comes from the name of Athena, an ancient goddess associated with wisdom, craftsmanship and the art of war.

15. EndeavourOS

EndeavorOS is a rolling Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. The project aims to be the spiritual successor to Antergos – providing easy setup and a pre-configured Arch-based desktop environment.

16. Antergos

Antergos is a modern Linux distribution built on Arch Linux. It is a continuation of the Cinnarch project, which was completed at the turn of April and May 2013. Antergos offers Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE, MATE, Openbox and Xfce desktops. Project completed in 2019.

17. Ezarcher

Ezarcher Linux is a full-featured desktop distribution based on Arch Linux. Live comes with many popular software packages and tools to install Arch Linux on your local machine.

18. Arch Labs

ArchLabs is a Linux distribution created by two BunsenLabs and Arch Linux enthusiasts. The goal of the developers of the distribution was to combine the look of BunsenLabs and the Arch Linux base system, including the latest package versions, speed, simplicity, the Pacman package manager, and of course the Arch User Repository (AUR).

19. Archman

Archman GNU/Linux is a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. The system comes with a Calamares installer and offers pre-configured desktops such as Xfce, Budgie and Deepin.

20. Reborn OS

Reborn OS is a Linux distribution based on Antergos and later on Arch Linux. The main intention of the creators of the system is to provide a fully configured operating system based on Arch Linux with the possibility of easy installation on the computer’s hard drive.

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