TOP 10 Slackware 2023

TOP 10 most frequently visited Linux distributions based on Slackware Linux in 2023 on

The following list of the most popular Linux distributions based on Slackware in 2023 is purely illustrative and is based on page views of users. The ranking included distribution and download pages, installation guides and comments.

Slackware is the oldest active Linux distribution developed by Patrick Volkerding.
The first version was released in July 1993 and was based on SLS Linux.
The number of Slackware Linux forks is not as extensive as the number of Ubuntu or Debian forks, but the number is significant and the individual versions are interesting.

1. Porteus
porteus 5
Porteus is a Linux distribution based on Slackware. It is a social fork/continuation of the Slax distribution and is built from modules. The Porteus project was founded in early 2010 as “Slax Remix”.

2. Absolute Linux
absolute linux
Absolute Linux is a very lightweight Linux distribution based on Slackware.
The IceWM window manager was used as the default desktop.

3. Slax
Slax is a Linux distribution built on Slackware by Tomáš Matějíček. The system is built of modules that can be added or removed, which affects the speed of the system. You can add modules from official Slax repositories and convert Slackware packages to Slax modules.

4. Slackware Linux
Slackware is the oldest active Linux distribution developed by Patrick Volkerding.
The first version was released in July 1993 and was based on SLS Linux.

5. Slacko Puppy
puppy slacko
Puppy Linux is an independent distribution started by Barry Kauler in 2003.
Currently, the system is being developed by the Puppy Linux Community.

Slackel is a Greek Linux distribution built on Slackware and Salix OS and is fully compatible with them. The system includes the current version of Slackware and the latest version of the KDE desktop environment. There are also versions of the system with a lightweight window manager to choose from: Openbox or Fluxbox.

7. Slackware Live
slackware live
Slackware Live (Liveslak) is a live distribution built on Slackware packages that allows you to test Slackware Linux without having to install it on your computer’s hard drive. The iso media comes with the default set of Slackware applications and settings, without packages from other sources.

8. Wifislax
Wifislax is a specialized Linux distribution based on Slackware.
In the initial phase, the system was based on the Knoppix distribution, then Debian and now Slackware. Wifislax was designed to control your computer’s security.

9. Zenwalk
zenwalk linux
Zenwalk Linux was created in 2004 under the name Minislack, and since 2005 under its current name. The distribution was built by Jean-Philippe Guillemin on top of Slackware. The default desktop environment is Xfce, but there are versions with other environments.

10. Plamo Linux
plamo linux
Plamo Linux is a Japanese Linux distribution based on Slackware Linux and in development since 1997. The installer and many text and graphics tools have been updated to include Japanese language support.

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