TOP 10 multimedia operating systems in 2023

The list of operating systems is devoted to the most popular operating systems of the Linux, BSD, Solaris, AROS, DOS family and other independent operating systems that offer a customized, ready-to-use system for multimedia purpose. The list contains systems that caught your attention the most, from the beginning of January to the end of June 2023 on the portal.

The list takes into account pageviews of distribution, downloads and comments.

1. SparkyLinux
sparkylinux 6

SparkyLinux is a Linux distribution built on Debian. It has a pre-installed rich set of programs, codecs and plug-ins enabling free work on the computer. The “Multimedia” edition is equipped with a wide set of tools for creating and editing graphics, audio, video and HTML pages.

2. AV Linux
av linux

AV Linux is a distribution based on MX Linux (formerly Debian) from the stable branch, designed for multimedia applications. It has a large collection of programs for creating and editing audio and video files.

3. OpenELEC

OpenELEC (Open Embedded Linux Entertainment Center) is an independent operating system for embedded devices, based on the Linux kernel and providing a complete multimedia center based on XBMC.
The last available version was released in 2017.

4. Salient OS

Salient OS is an Arch Linux-based distribution for multimedia and game enthusiasts, developed in a continuous development model. The system is configured with various applications to help the user quickly start using Salient OS without having to download additional applications themselves.

5. Ubuntu Studio
ubuntu studio 22.04 lts

Ubuntu Studio is an official Ubuntu derivative developed since 2007. It is a specialized distribution containing many applications for creating and editing music, movies and graphics. The applied kernel has been modified in order to obtain the lowest possible delays during sound generation.

6. CoreELEC

CoreELEC is a Linux operating system distribution, based on LibreELEC, combining cutting-edge hardware support with small disk and memory footprints while providing a powerful, elegant and non-destructive solution that provides a complete Kodi Entertainment Center experience for Android set-top boxes using the ARMv8.x-A platform pre-installed with Android 7.1 or later.

7. LibreELEC

LibreELEC is an independent Linux distribution based on OpenELEC. The system allows you to transform your home computer and other devices into a multimedia center.

8. Daphile OS
daphile os

Daphile is a minimalist Linux distribution based on Gentoo Linux that provides a music player for computers without the need for a hard drive.


OSMC (Open Source Media Center) (previously: Raspbmc) is a Debian-based minimalist Linux distribution for multimedia purposes. OSMC offers a pre-installed Kodi media center app for Raspberry Pi, Apple TV, and Vero devices.

10. Apodio

APODIO is a specialized Linux distribution that includes a large set of multimedia applications.
It is used to create and share audio and video materials on the network, stream radio and TV programs and create graphics.

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