TOP 10 Devuan GNU/Linux 2024

TOP 10 most frequently visited Linux distributions based on Devuan GNU/Linux in 2024 on

The following list of the most popular Linux distributions based on Devuan in 2024 is purely illustrative and is based on page views of users. The ranking included distribution and download pages, installation guides and comments.

Devuan GNU+Linux is a fork of Debian without systemd that allows users to reclaim control over their system by avoiding unnecessary entanglements and ensuring Init Freedom.

1. Lion Linux
Lion Linux is an operating system for desktop and laptop computers. It’s designed to work out of the box and comes fully loaded with the apps most people need.

2. Devuan GNU/Linux
Devuan is a fork of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution, founded in October 2014. The main intention of the project is to provide a Linux distribution without the ‘systemd’ init system installed by default.

3. Peppermint OS
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Peppermint OS is a general-purpose Linux distribution based on Debian and Devuan (formerly Lubuntu). By design, Peppermint is supposed to be a light, fast system that does not consume large computer resources.

4. GobMis GNU/Linux
GobMis GNU/Linux is a distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system based on the Devuan distribution and adapted to the specific needs of public administration. Released under the GNU GPL, GobMis is developed using free software and is open to customization to accommodate the specifics of each level of administration.

5. devuanLXDE
devuanLXDE is a remix of the Devuan distribution with the LXDE 32 and 64 bit desktop offering low RAM consumption of less 200 MB with various Wi-Fi drivers and adaptation to the needs of each user.

6. Exe GNU/Linux
exe gnu/linux
Exe GNU/Linux is a Linux distribution based on the stable Devuan branch (formerly Debian). The system is equipped with a preconfigured Trinty Desktop Environment (TDE) – a fork of KDE from the 3.x line. Additionally, Exe includes a set of useful scripts and facilities.

CROWZ (previously: Zephyr) is a simple and lightweight Linux distribution based on Devuan. It consists of a minimal compilation of applications and tools.

8. Nelum Linux
Nelum is a Linux distribution built on Debian and providing several separate versions of the system. NelumBang is a minimalist distribution built on Debian from the stable branch and equipped with an ultra-light Openbox desktop. The system is available for 32 and 64 bit machines.

9. GNUinOS
GNUinOS is a fork of the Devuan GNU/Linux distribution that uses the Openbox window manager. It is very lightweight, ships with the linux-libre kernel, and is focused on general-purpose computers. The project aims to create a distribution fully approved by the FSF.

10. Refracta
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Refracta is a distribution of the Linux operating system aimed at home computer users. Refracta can be used as a rescue system and to recover data from disk.

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