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SparkyLinux 2023.07

This is the July update of Sparky rolling iso images which works on Linux kernel 6.3, and provides updated packages from Debian trixie and Sparky sisters testing repos. What’s new: all packaged upgraded from Debian and Sparky testing repos as of ... Read more

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ISO MinimalGUI i686

There is iso image of Sparky 7.0 MinimalGUI i686 available to download. As you know, Sparky 7 still supports i686 architecture (32 bit), but I created only MinimalCLI (text mode) i686 iso image before ... Read more

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There is a new application available for Sparkers: Pulsar. What is Pulsar? A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor, Forked from Atom, built ... Read more

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