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Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Point of Sale Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: Intel 80186/80286/80386, Motorola 86000, NEC V60/V70 Based on: Concurrent DOS Wikipedia: FlexOS Media: Install The last version | Released: 2.33 | May 1998 FlexOS – a real-time, multitasking operating system designed for single-user and multiuser microcomputer

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OpenSolaris for System z

Web site: distribution.sinenomine.net/opensolaris/ Origin: USA Category: Server Desktop environment: CLI Platform: IBM System z Based on: OpenSolaris Wikipedia: OpenSolaris for System z Media: Install DVD The last version | Released: 20090330 | 2009 OpenSolaris for System z – a port of the OpenSolaris operating system to the IBM System z

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