Ubuntu Junior

Web site: (not active) Origin: Russia Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Gnome Architecture: x86 Based on: Ubuntu Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 2011 Ubuntu Junior – an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution which provides 3 languages preinstalled: Russian, Belorussian, and Ukrainian. It features the Gnome 2 desktop environment and software for multimedia, such as: … Read more

C4C Ubuntu

Web site: computers4christians.org Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Xfce Architecture: x86_64 Based on: Ubuntu Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 2022-06-25_1810 | July 18, 2022 C4C Ubuntu (Computers4Christians) – a free Christian Linux distribution that is stable, fast and easily installed on most any computer made in the last decade. This … Read more


Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: GUI Architecture: Commodore 64/128/Plus4, Apple II Based on: Independent Wikipedia: GEOS Media: Install The last version | Released: 1986 GEOS (Graphic Environment Operating System) – an operating system created in 1985 by Berkeley Softworks (later GeoWorks). Initially intended for Commodore 64 computers, for which the … Read more


Web site: www.mathyvannisselroy.nl/mydos.htm Origin: Netherlands Category: Desktop Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: Atari 8-bit Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: unknown MyDOS – a DOS-like operating system targeted to Atari 8-bit machines. MyDOS uses a modified DOS 2.0 format known as the MyDOS format. Extensions to this format include: support for … Read more


Web site: dmdcosillas.org (not active) Origin: Brazil Category: Desktop Desktop environment: MATE Architecture: x86, x86_64 Based on: Debian Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 3.0 testing | 2014 DMDc (Debian Mate Desktop Cosillas) – a Debian based Linux distribution with MATE desktop, a fork of GNOME classic desktop installed as default. It … Read more


Web site: www.geex.hpg.ig.com.br (not active) Origin: Brazil Category: Desktop Desktop environment: unknown Architecture: x86 Based on: independent Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: unknown Geex! – the philosophy is to make an OS with a very small footprint, working on old computers, and completely free. The project is still in the process of … Read more


Web site: isolinux.com.ar/tecnicoslinux/ (not active) Origin: Argentina Category: Desktop Desktop environment: KDE Architecture: x86 Based on: Ubuntu Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 1.5 2016 (?) CiberLinux – a Linux performance, Windows appearance. Ciberlinux is a Linux distribution of Argentine origin, derived or “adapted” from Kubuntu, sharing a software package and files … Read more


Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Microcomputers Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: Atari Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: 1979 MicroDOS (later called OS-80) – a disk operating system created by Percom Data Campany in 1979. The philosophy at Percom is that a DOS for a microcomputer should make minimal … Read more


Web site: www.denix.dkws.org.ua Origin: Ukraine Category: Desktop Desktop environment: MATE Architecture: x86 Based on: Debian Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: Anniversary Edition | September 16, 2013 Denix – a free Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. The distribution is absolutely free, as is its support. The distribution is supported on the forum. … Read more


Web site: www.sarg.ryerson.ca/funos/ (not active) Origin: unknown Category: workstation Desktop environment: Architecture: x86 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: unknown FunOS – a mostly-functional OS, written in Scheme. Scheme is a functional programming language, dialect of Lisp with two distinguishing features: it is small and tries to be clean. The … Read more

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